Let me know if you need directions on this. If you have a lot of Mods or CC you can do so by via the 50/50 method. If this fixes the issue you can re-add your Mods/CC one at a time to see which were conflicting with the function/causing the glitch - but do not re-add the old Resource.cfg file from the old Mods folder, as it is possible for it to have become corrupted. Add mods to the equation and it gets very freaky very fast. Replace/overwrite the newly generated files/ folders with the old files/folders from the desktop "The Sims 4" folder. Sims 4 Twerking Mod 2020 Even without mods, The Sims can be a pretty weird game. Now re-add a copy of the 'options.ini', 'screenshots' folder, 'saves' folder, and 'tray' folder from the "The Sims 4" folder on your desktop into your new "The Sims 4" folder ( Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 ).Then start the game, and a new 'The Sims 4' folder will be created by the game.Move your 'The Sims 4' folder ( Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 ) to your desktop. ( Save this "The Sims 4" folder for reference.).Please try the following in this order (Do all steps in this order, even if you did any of them previously):